Monday, August 9, 2010

Save My Marriage: Tried And Tested Methods

by Aron M. Freyre

Before you got married, did you ever think that you will be asking yourself this question, "How will I save my marriage?" Sadly, a lot of people have asked themselves this question, and since divorce rates are rising, more people in the future will be asking themselves the same question.

According to statistics, one in every three marriages is headed for divorce. And because of this, more and more people are thinking of ways on how to save their marriages. But first, you must be aware that there are many reasons why a marriage can fail: infidelity, insecurity, communication problem, and many more. Resolving these problems can be done as long as you and your husband will do your part.

And of course, if you find out that your husband has an affair, the very first thing that you want to do is to leave him. Because you are in a lot of hurt and pain, you will definitely think of getting a divorce.

But wait, a lot of couples have been in your situation, too. And they also felt the same way that you are feeling right this moment. But after giving their positions a lot of thought. After seeing the remorse on their spouse's face and hearing the plea for forgiveness . And after thinking of the children and how they still love their spouse, they chose to save the marriage. And a lot of them succeeded in doing so!

Are you looking for top rated books on how to stop a divorce ? Read >> Save My Marriage Today Book Review

So, if these couples can accomplish it, you and your spouse can do it also. And the great news is that saving your marriage can be done in a lot of ways. Today, marriage counselling is one popular strategy to saving a marriage. The only problem with this strategy is the fact that not everybody is open to attend marriage counselling.

What makes marriage counselling effective is the counsellor's capability to help you look at your marriage in a different way. The marriage counselor can also help in establishing the marital problems and how to properly address these. This is a very effective way in saving marriages especially if both spouses agree to attend counselling.

If your spouse does not want to go to marriage counselling, do not lose hope because there are still other methods that can help save your marriage. You can purchase self-help books written by marriage counsellors and other experts on the topic. There are so many books to choose from nowadays. Plus, your spouse will definitely be more open in trying this method because there won't be another person listening to your dicussion. It will be just be you and your spouse.

Aside from self-help books, you can also turn to the Internet for more materials. There are also eguides available online that deal with approaches on how to save your marriage. A few months back, I was also contemplating with the question: "How will I save my marriage?" And since my husband did not want us to attend marriage counselling, we decided to try looking for ebooks. Now, our marriage is even better than on the day we fell in love.

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